
Articles Posted in Social Security Disability Insurance


Getting Back to Work for Social Security Disability Benefits Recipients

It takes a long time to finally be awarded Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits beginning from the date of filing a first claim to the final benefits decision. For many, this process will take over a year, and, in some cases, it will take two years. In addition to…


A Look at Disability Benefits Claims Made in Rural America

In this past presidential election, many Americans and much of the world were shocked by the seemingly impossible result of Donald Trump’s victory.  One of the major reasons that Mr. Trump was ultimately elected was his huge support among those who live in what have become known as “flyover states.”  This…


Many Wait on Compassionate Allowances Disability Benefits Despite Program Goal

There is no question it takes a considerable amount of time to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. In fact, the wait can be over a year is some places. In some jurisdictions with an even greater backlog, the wait is approaching two…


Social Security Disability Claims for Veterans

In a recent case from the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, claimant had applied for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, and his initial application was denied. He then applied for reconsideration of his application for Social Security benefits, and that was also denied. At that…


Continuing Disability Reviews: Respond Promptly With SSDI Lawyer

By law, the Social Security Administration has to occasionally review the case of every person receiving Social Security Disability Insurance and/ or Supplemental Security Income disability benefits. The process by which this happens is what is called a “continuing disability review.” The intention is to figure out who might no…


Self-Driving Cars and Social Security Disability in Boston

There are already a few options on the market in terms of self-driving cars, but we are really not quite there yet.  As of now, you could buy a Tesla, if you can afford and want an expensive electric car, and that features an advanced form of cruise control that…


Congress Rolls Back Order Preventing People on Disability from Getting Guns

Over the past several months, we have been hearing a lot about an executive order signed by former president Barack Obama that allowed the FBI’s Brady background check system from having access to the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) roles.   The theory behind this executive…


Acting Social Security Administration Commissioner Resigns

We have been hearing a lot about problems in the Social Security Administration (SSA) over the past year.  Some of the issues involve allegations the multiple administrative law judges (ALJs) were engaging in inappropriate behavior with respect to staff and disability claimants. These cases were brought to light by various…


Some Wait Nearly Two Years for Social Security Disability Benefits

According to a recent news article from The San Diego Tribune, the wait for a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) appeals hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ) is averaging 540 days for many claimants. These are the hearings held at the United States Social…

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